The poem begins with the unloving sun
by Panos Sklavenitis
Video duration 10’ 50’’

I contacted LIFO editor Aris Dimokidis to write a provocative article on the Greek sun. I used a couple of examples and suggested that he improvise. One example entailed a German politician making a statement along the lines of “Greeks can put their sun where it doesn’t shine”.
Aris gladly responded and thus emerged the following April Fools article in LIFO:
Donald Tusk: “The Greeks can stick their sun where it doesn’t shine”.
The article provoked strong reactions, was commented on and shared much among social networks, and was reproduced over the next few days by a range of nationalistic publications as real news.
‘The poem begins with the unloving sun’ is a work in progress, which so far consists of the aforementioned action and this video in which the choreographer and dancer Medie Megas performs a compilation of texts consisting mainly of readers’ comments on the LIFO article.
I thank Aris Dimokidis, the LIFO team and visual artist Io Chaviara for their valuable help.

Panos Sklavenitis (1977- Ithaca, Greece) has graduated the IEK DELTA – Art & Design (HND, Graphic arts, 1996 – 1998) and the Athens School of Fine Arts (BA(hons) in Painting, 2006 – 2011), he studied in Royal Academy of fine arts ARTESIS HOGESCHOOL ANTWERPEN (2009, painting -In Situ) through the Erasmus scholarship. He lives and works in Athens, Greece