Battle of Sexes
by Katerina Fanouraki
Video performance:”Battle of Sexes-The Cost of Beauty” (2013)

Battle of Sexes Fanouraki

Concept: Katerina (Titina) Fanouraki
Performance:Titina Fanouraki Petros Triantafyllopoulos.
Choreography:Elena Prapidi.
Video Direction:Aris Lechouritis-Michail Mavromoustakos
Music: “Romeo and Juliet” Suit No.2 for Orchestra Op. 64 ter
“Montagues and Capulets” Sergei Prokofiev.
WOMEN:Red stiletto heels.Corsets and garters. Red lipstick and platinum hair dye.Plastic surgeries.
MEN:Leather jackets and helmets. Expensive suits and watches, briefcases. Penus enlargement. Hair transplant.Tatoos, six packs and quadriceps.
BEAUTY:Male and female stereotypes.Desired images.Seductive fantasies.For Us or for the Others?

Katerina Fanouraki was born in Athens, Greece. She is a visual artist focused in performance art (video, photo and live performance). She graduated with Honor from “Fine Art and Technology” Faculty of “AKTO” in collaboration with Middlesex University, London. She has participated in numerous exhibitions in Greece,Spain, Czech Republic, UK and U.S.A. She has also attended various seminars and workshops on curating, History of Art, performance, and NGOs management.She is currently studying in Queen’s University, Belfast, the MA in art management, for the academic year 2014-2015, with a scholarship.